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June 30, 2010

Star of the Show was written using PSP X2 and Jasc Animaton Shop

Materials used tube by Amberly Berendson which can be purchased HERE

Eyecandy 6 Gradient Glow (if you do not have this, play with your drop shadows and colors)

Template made by myself which can be found HERE

Font Selfish

Lets get started

1. Pick a tube with a great image or a tube and image that look good together.

2. Open new image 600x600 (we can resize later)

3. Copy rectangle from template and paste onto new image (adjust hue and saturation to match tube)

4. Use your selection tool to click inside. Select, select all, select modify expand by 5

5. Past image or background of image into selection, select none, move to bottom

6.Effects, EyeCandy 6, gradient glow, find glow to match tag, ok

7. Copy stars from template, paste on top of rectangle layer, add bright white glow

8.Copy wordart from template, past on top of star layer and soft gradient glow

9.Copy tube, past on top of background layer/below stars and wordart layer

10. add drop shadow.

11. add copyright and name, save

You can stop here for a beautiful non animated tag or you can take the following steps to add animation.

12. go to background layer (step 5) duplicate twice

13. 1st layer EC6 Textured noise, overlay intense dot noise

2nd layer use the same plug in, click random seed, ok

3rd layer use the same plug in, click random seed, ok

14. Open animation shop

15. Hide 2nd and 3rd layer; with 1st layer only visible, click copy merged, paste into AS as new image

16. repeat above step hiding the layers as needed until all layers are used, paste into AS after current layer

17. Once you have all 3 layers in AS, click Edit, select all

Amination, frame properties, 35; view animation and save.

Disclaimer: I am very new at writing tuts, please remember to have fun and if you have any questions, please email me at

For some reason, I cannot get the animation to show when I post...if you can assist with this, please email me. thanks

June 28, 2010

Hi! Here is a tutorial I wrote today and hope you all enjoy it.

It is a fairly simple tutorial and please keep in mind that this is new for me:)

For this tutorial you will need a working knowledge of psp as well as an open mind.

I have used a scrapkit called I Love USA by Carita and you can find purchase it HERE.

I have also used 2 photographs (1 regular and 1 feathered) from Hawaiian Cowgirl and you can purchase them HERE

Font is called Showcard

Lets get started. a new image 600 x 600 (you can resize later)

2.copy the frame and paste as a new layer

3.Paste feathered picture on top of the center frame.

(I used the soften brush to blend the sides into the frame)

4.Use magic wand to click inside the left box of the frame

select, select all, select modify, expand x 4

5. layer, new raster layer, paste into selection

move below framed layer

6. repeat for the right side (before doing this, I mirrored original picture)

***at this point you may need to reposition the feathered layer to make it flow****

7. Select heart element (multicolored in the shape of a heart)

copy/paste below the photo and the frame

Do not resize *soften as needed

8. Select the "USA" word art

copy/paste on top and toward the bottom center of the feathered layer

resize 40%

9. Add drop shadow V -1, H 1, Opacity 80, Blur 3, Color black

10. At this point I adjusted the color of the frame to a light blue (this is optional)

11. Add correct copyright information, resize and save

I hope you enjoyed the tut, if you have any questions, please email me at or

xoxo Paully

June 11, 2010

Supplies needed:

working knowledge of psp

3-5 tubes of choice

font of choice

1. open psp

2. file new (Ctrl + N) 450 x 450- can be resized later as needed

3. use rectangle preset; white foreground, null background, width 5

make rectangle as large/small as you would like

4. convert to raster

5. copy and paste your tubes into rectangle

6. click inside rectangle, select all, select float, modify 3, select invert, click on each tube and hit


7. merge tube layers

8. click on rectangle layer, select all, select float, modify 4

layer, new layer, flood fill with color of choice, change opacity to about 60, select none, move

below rectangle layer, above tubes layer

9. click on rectangle layer, add drop shadow of choice

10. merge rectangle layer, color layer, tubes layer

11. duplicate

12. on original (bottom); adjust blur gausion blur 2

13. effects, texture, weave (gap 22, width 1, opacity 96, ok)

14. click on duplicated layer (top)

15. resize 96% (make sure resize all layers is NOT checked)

16. merge visible, resize as needed

17. add copyright and save

18. if you have any questions, feel free to post a comment or email me at

*on the Gorjuss tag, I softened the back layer

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