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September 3, 2011

Tube- Example #1 Rossana Castellino-timetraveller

found at Dreamscape Imaging

Example #2 MJBivouac- Valentine Pen found at MyTubedArt

Scrap- Denim Days by KnC Scrapz
Mask- 344 from Insaitable Dreams
I am assuming you have a working knowledge of paint shop pro

Lets get started:

New Image W-650 H 650 w/ transparent background- we will resize later

1. Flood fill white

2. Copy pocket2, paste as new layer, resize by 60%

*pocket layer should be on top

3. Apply the mask, merge group (we may resize later

4. Copy tires, paste as new layer, resize by 60%

(this should be centered in work area)

5. Copy tag2, paste as new layer, resize by 30%

bring below the tires and try to match a bit with smaller tire hole

6. Copy button rope, resize 30%, place in cneter of bow (tag 2)- see examples

7. Copy tube of choice, paste as new layer, rezise 60%

place tube into the bottom tip of tag 2, erase any excess

add drop shadow of choice to tube

8. Copy image of tube used and paste as a new layer

bring layer behind the tires and center area you want displayed in large tire

using your magic wand, select the inside of the larger tire, modify- expand by 5, select invert, click on image and delete.

(all excess should now be removed- select none

9. Copy glitter, paste as new layer, resize 50%

place below tube, barely above the larger tire

10. Resize mask layer to fit your tag ( I resized by 75%)

11. Add drop shadows of choice to your different elements

12. Add additional elements as desired.

13. Hide white layer and merge visible,

crop area to fit tag

resize to your taste- do this BEFORE adding copyright and license information

14. Add copyrights and license number (add thin white gradient glow as needed), give credit to scrapper

15. Save to your offers folder

16. Add font of choice, I used Dystorque BRK for the first tag and Qwigley for the second

Thank you Sweet Mary for trying my tut!



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