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August 9, 2018
Eternal Love Tutorial

Eternal Love Scrap Kit from Chaos Priestess available for purchase at Mystical Scraps here
Enys Guerrero individual tube 40-3 available for purchase at Creative Design Outlet here
Eye Candy 4000
Fonts: FFF Urban for Copyright and Old Djakarta for names
Disclaimer- This tutorial was written with ideas formulated from within my mind that in and of itself is scary enough, moving on.

1. New Image, 500x500 Pixels, 72 pixels/inch raster background trasparent
(flood fill white, we will delete this at the end of the tutorial, however we want this layer filled so we are able to see our work) 
2. Copy/paste new layer EL_FrameEL02
Image, Resize 55%
do NOT check resize all layers
3. Copy/paste new layer EL_FrameEL05
Image, Resize 55%
Image, rotate, left, free 5
do NOT check ALL layers OR rotate single layer around canvas center, ok
4. Right click, duplicate 
bottom layer
Eye Candy 4000, Shadow lab, settings:
Center Offset: 315, Center Offset Distance: 0.00, Overall Opacity %: 100, Overall Blur: 20.16
Perspective blur: 0.00, Color: black, Check: Draw only outside selection, ok
5. Top layer- Effects- fur
Blur-49, Density-83, Length- 44, Transparency- 162, Ok
6. Copy/paste new layer EL_Sheet music 
Image, resize 45%
place over top layer of frame
Under blend mode in psp, change blend mode from normal to difference
At the top of your toolbar, use your freehand selection tool and draw the inside of your frame, select invert and delete. I then used my softened tool around the inside edges to add another layer of soft darkness. (this gives your frame a darkened musical look, see example)
7. Copy/paste tube
Image, resize 40% 
Place under frame with shadow, duplicate, arrange, bring to top
Add shadowlab using previous settings on BOTH tubes
Delete excess from top layer to fit frame aesthetically.
8. Copy EL_StringEL01
Paste on top of frame, resize 40%
Effects, drop shadow
Offset vertical: 0, Offset horizontal: 0, Attributes opacity: 75, Blur: 5, Color: black
Do NOT check shadow on new layer, ok
9. Copy/paste EL_FoliageEL03
Resize 40%
Position under frame EL02 (the portion that is showing as we want to give a pop of color)
Effects, plugins, EC4000, Drip, settings: width: 7.20, maximum (pixels) 40.32, maximum length (pixels) 16.37, spacing (pixels) 16.56, taper 50, dribble 20, random seed 1, ok
10. delete flood fill from step 1
11. If you are going to resize do it now BEFORE you add your copyright information.
12. Add your copyright information. 
***A peak into my mind, lol I use FFF Urban, size 6, stroke 1, Anti-Alias off
I type my copyright information, for this tag in a light font then converted to a raster layer.  I then went to select all, select float, modify, expand, number of pixels, 2, ok, layer, new raster layer, flood fill, fill with darker color from tube (or kit), ok. Adjust, blur, average, filter aperture 3, ok, place this layer below copyright information and merge with copyright layer.  Place on tag in appropriate location.

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