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May 30, 2020

Tutorial: Time Slips Away
Fonts: wordart- Miss Stanfort, copyright FFF Urban, name- False Positive Round BRK
Supplies from kit: frames 1 & 2, elements: 8, 11, 22, & 24 and papers: 2, 4, 5, and 6

This tutorial was written by me, Pauline Ainsworth on May 28, 2020 and posted to my blog on May 30, 2020.  Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.  Please share via text link only.  This tutorial was written in PSP version 9, however it should be compatible with newer versions.  I just happen to prefer this one.  * I write the way I talk, so in all honesty it may be a bit long winded, my apoligies.
Let's get to it.

1. File, new, 500x500, transparent box checked, ok
2. Copy frame 1, paste as new layer, image resize 45% with resize all layer unchecked, label frame 1
3. Copy/ paste frame 2, image resize 35%, label frame 2
4. Bring frame 1 to where it is almost touching the bottom of frame 2
5. Choose a paper, click on raster 1 with magic wand tool, copy paper, layer, new raster layer, paste into selection, select none
6. Select inside of each box of frame 1 with magic wand by holding the shift key. Select modify expand by 14, ok. Select invert.  Click on paper layer, click delete on keyboard, select none.
7. Copy tube with feathers (this tube comes with two tubes), paste as new layer beneath frame 2, image resize 65%.  Effect: drop shadow.  I used the following settings: offset vertical and horizontal- 0, opacity- 75, blur- 5, color- black, shadow on new layer unchecked.
8. Click on frame 2, select modify expand 11, select invert, select tube layer, click delete on keyboard.
9. As I mentioned, this tube comes with two tubes.  Copy the tube without feathers, paste on top of frame 2, resize 60%.  Line up with tube below.  Use the same drop shadow from step 7.  Using your eraser tool, erase around the bottom of of the tube until the tube looks like she is "popping" out of the top of the frame.
10. copy element 22, paste over frame 2.  Select frame 2, select all, select float, select invert, select element 22 layer, click delete on keyboard.  On element 22 layer, change blend mode to screen, hide all layers except element 22 and frame 2, merge visible.  Make all layers visible again.
11. On layer with frame 2 effects, eye candy 4000 with the following settings: center offset direction- 0, center offset- 0, overall opacity- 52, overall blur- 20.16, perspective blur- 0, color- black, draw only outside selection checked, ok
12. Copy/paste element 8, resize 35%, place over frame 2, image, rotate, free rotate, left 15, duplicate.  On original layer, adjust, blur, gaussian blur, radius, 3.00, ok
13. Back to frame 1, add the same shadow lab settings as in step 11
14. If you are happy with your tag so far, hide the bottom raster layer (blank one), merge visible.
15. Unhide bottom raster layer, flood fill with white.  I do this at this point so I can verify how my tag will look against a white background, I also flood fill with darker colors as well as I save my tags as pngs.  You just have to remember to delete this layer before saving the tag.
16. Choose embellishments for the back of your tag or a mask of choice.  For this tag, I chose to forgo a mask and just used elements within the kit.  I chose elements 11 and 24.
17. Adding word art.  I loved Patty's word art, but for some reason the word art and I could not agree on the placement on the tag, so I went a different way.  I just retyped the word art.  Font used: Miss Standfort.
18. Use the eclipse tool, draw a circle over your tag, do NOT convert to raster.  Layer, new raster layer, type wording from word art, convert to raster.  Delete drawn circle.  Adjust placement, height, etc of your word art with move tool as desired.
19. If you are happy with your tag, resize as desired (Do this before adding copyright) and delete colored raster layer from step 15.  Add copyright, license number and save your tag.

*Add name to tag.  I used False Positive Round BRK, size 48, stroke 2, miter limit 1, colors #cacfd2 and #11142d.  Effect drop shadow: offset vertical and horizontal- 0, opacity- 63, blur-5, color #202020, shadow on new layer unchecked.

If you have made it this far, thank you.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at  Tags for my always list can be found here:


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