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May 29, 2010
Hi! My name is Paully. I am known in the PSP community as I have been tagging for about 6 years now. About six years ago, my mother passed away and I turned to psp and food for solace. I still love psp and will continue to participate fully as my online family is the best! However, along with my friend and artist, Kat, I am going to embark on a year long journey. Over the next year I have a few goals in which I am going to achieve. This blog is going to document my journeys.

1. Lose enough weight to fit into a bathing suit without looking like a beached whale. (I was healthy not so long ago)
2. Save enough money for my husband to get his pilots license.
3. Improve myself at work
4. Broaden my horizens within the psp world, by learning to make stats, templates, ect

Wish me luck!


  1. okay, #3 has a word that is not spelled correctly. For the record, I do know that have is spelled h-a-v-e, lol

  2. Ok it is official and we can not turn our backs.. so to our goals we head... good thing to put it in writing as it will make it more difficult for us to pretend we are doing something we ain't... :)

  3. So my goals are: be able to walk 5 miles without passing out, run 1 mile without passing out and I would like to get down to a size 16 at least. *this way when I reach my goals I can go climbing with you!

    To reach my goals I am going to document daily:
    *walk around the neighborhood
    *learn to run
    *ugh cut out soda and drink more water, eat healthier

    What do you think about starting an eating/exercise journal?


Please email comments to as I do not always see the comments in a timely manner. xxx

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