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May 31, 2010

Hi! Here is my very first tutorial using the brilliant artwork on Jeni Burns. You can purchase her tubes at Mistaken Art.

Update: 7/4/19 New example using the artwork of Simona Candini.  You can purchase her tubes at Creative Design Outlet

1. Open new image 700 x 700 (we will re size later)
2. click on preset shapes, eclipse
Foreground- black, background- null
line style, width 10
draw one large circle, convert to raster
draw a small circle (change width to 5), place in center of large circle, merge
3. click on preset shapes, rectangle
Foreground-null, background black
draw square that is slightly larger than the circles, cover to raster, place below circles
4. use magic wand to click on black square, click add new layer, past image into new layer
5. add bevel of choice
mine: bevel-2, width-5, smoothness-25, depth-5, ambiance-15, shininess-35, angle-315,
color-white, intensity-65, elevation-30
*I would play with this, EC has some nice bevels as well. We want this to look like an album
6. Add drop shadow of choice.
mine: -3, -3, 75, 5 followed by shadow lab preset
7. Back to your disc (circles)
Use your magic wand to select between the two circles
select, modify, expand by 3
layer, new rater layer, paste your image into layer.
8. Move this layer below the disc layer (circles)
9. You can leave as is or soften to choice
mine: xero, soft mood, default
10. Place drop shadow on disc (circles), merge with image layer
11. Crop and add copyright information
12. Add title of album and tag recipients name

1. on tag, right click, copy merged
go to Animation Shop (AS) and paste as new selection
2. on tag, click on disc, image, free rotate, 15 right
copy merged, paste into AS after current frame
3. complete step 2 until you have made a full rotation.
4. In AS, edit, select all, animation, frame properties, change this number to 35
5. view animation and save

Thank you for trying my very first tutorial


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