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December 12, 2010
Supplies Needed:

Working knowledge of psp

Tube of choice, I used is by the artist Fitztown*Veronica* and is called Stardust and Pumpkin

You can purchase the tube from

Font of choice, I am using Natural Script and can be found at

Scrap of choice I used Christmas is all around FTU by Malina Design; you can find it on her site

No plugins are used for this tag

Lets begin

Open PSP

File, new 600 x 600, we will resize later

Open, copy and paste frame from Scrap kit (e2)

Open paper of choice, copy

Using your selection tool, create dancing ants around NON tilted square

Layer, new raster layer, paste into selection, select none, move to bottom

Duplicate bottom layer (layer with paper)

Using magic wand, select inside tilted square, select, modify, expand by 2, invert and

delete on copied layer

On the duplicated layer, go to Effects, effects browser, effects, choose effect(s) of choice,

(I like to play around with them) ok

Add elements of choice, once satisfied, add shadows

Add tube and drop shadow of choice

Image, resize, enter size of choice (I use 450 pixels)

*be sure to check resize all layers at this point

Add copyright and license number

Add predominate text

At this point you can save as a .png

I like to add another layer and flood fill with white and save as png


Xoxo Paully

another example is below:

Thank you so much to Angel for trying my tut!


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