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October 5, 2017
Autumn Vibes
CT: Honored Scraps
Kit: Autumn Vibes
Available for purchase at Creative Design Outlet HERE
Elements used:
Element 38 (wreath), Element 26 (fallen leaves), Element 27 (pomegranate seeds), Element 2 (apples), paper 05, and word art 01
Mask: Mask of choice, I used Miz_Mask094
Tube: Sheena Pike 19-2 
Available for purchase at Creative Design Outlet HERE
Program: Version 9
Plugins: EyeCandy 4000 Shadowlab
Font: Fifont

Disclaimer, I tend to write as I think, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at  Also, feel free to label layers if this helps you, I personally do not do this.

1. New Raster 450 x 450 pixels 72 pixels/inch w/ transparent background. Ok.
2. Copy/paste element #38 (wreath) as new layer, resize 75%. Position in center of work space.
2a. Effects, Plugins, EyeCandy 4000, Shadowlab
Center offset direction: 315, Center offset distance: 0.00, Overall opacity: 100, Overall blur: 20.06, Perspective blur: 0.00, Color: black, check the box that states draw only outside selection, ok.
3. Copy/paste tube as new layer, resize 50%
3a. Duplicate twice, position original behind wreath layer
3b. Hide duplicates for now.
4. Copy/paste element #26 (fallen leaves) as new layer, resize 75%.
4a. Duplicate and position original below wreath but above your tube.
4b. Hide duplicate for a moment.
4c. Going back to original leaves, Effects, Plugins, EyeCandy 4000, Shadowlab
Center offset direction: 315, Center offset distance: 0.00, Overall opacity: 100, Overall blur: 20.06, Perspective blur: 0.00, Color: black, check the box that states draw only outside selection, ok.
4d. Open duplicate leaves, image resize 110% ( Do not click resize all images),ok 
4e. Adjust, blur, Gaussian blur, radius 5.00, ok
4f. Adjust, add noise, random, 29%, monochrome, ok
5. Back to hidden tube layers
5. Open bottom of 2 hidden tube layers, with that layer selected in your workspace, move the bar over to show blend modes.  Change blend mode to overlay
5a. Open final hidden tube layer. Effects, drop shadow: Offset vertical: -2, offset horizontal -2, attributes opacity: 85, blur: 5, color: black, ok
5b. Erase edges of tube so that blending is cohesive and fits vision of tag (see below).
At this point in my tags, I generally add a new raster layer, send to bottom and flood fill with color outside tag color scheme to check for errors, etc- if you do this do not forget to delete this layer once you are happy.
6. Once you are happy with the main portion of your tag, merge visible
7. Layer, new raster layer
7a. Copy paper 05
7b. Using magic wand select inside your new raster layer, right click, paste into selected, select none.
8. Now time to add a mask of choice.-I used Miz_Mask094. I will not be supplying the mask.
Layer, load mask from disk, select your mask and click the following: source luminance, fit to canvas and hid all mask, load
8a. Select on group, right click, merge group, image resize 75%, position as desired.
8b. Effects, texture, polished stone: relief blur: 20, detail: 145, polishing: 15, angle: 45, color: white, ok.
9. Copy/paste word art, resize 75% and position in front of tag.
9a. Copy/paste element 27 (pomegranate seeds), duplicate and position to cover all of word art.  Merge and bring below the word art.
9c. Select word art layer: Select all, select float, select modify, expand, ok, 2 pixels, select invert, click on seeds and hit delete. Select none.
9d. Click on word art.  Using eraser tool erase the word Autumn.
9e. Merge the word art with the berries. Effects, drop shadow: Offset vertical: -2, offset horizontal -2, attributes opacity: 85, blur: 5, color: black, ok
10. Copy/paste element #2 (apples), resize 35%, place under the word "joy".  Add the same drop shadow we just used.
10a. Merge visible.
11. Resize tag to your liking then add your copyright and license information, save tag.


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