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October 2, 2017
Haunted Farm
CT: Freek's Creations
Kit: Haunted Farm
Available for purchase at Mystical Scraps HERE
Elements used:
Frame, Paper 9, Tree 2, Barn, Chain, Corn Stalk 2, Spider web and Bird 2
Tube: Enys Guerrero 26-2 Wild and Free (I used image and tube)
Available for purchase at Creative Design Outlet HERE
Program: Version 9
Plugins: EyeCandy 4000 Shadowlab
Font: Prologue Script

Disclaimer: Please bear with me as it has been many years since I have written a tutorial.  I tend to write as I think, so if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.  I can be contacted at

Now then, lets get started. Please feel free to label layers if this helps you, I personally do not do this.

1. New Raster 550x550 pixels 72 pixels/inch w/ transparent background.
2. Copy/paste frame as new layer, resize 65%, free rotate right 45 degrees, resize 85%, adjust- sharpness, sharpen more, ok
3.Copy/paste tree 2, resize 85%, arrange/bring to bottom, move to the right of the frame so it appears to be hanging off frame, duplicate.
3 a. Arrange/bring duplicate to top, add drop shadow (-3, -3, 85, 5, black), hide for now
3 b. On original tree, effects, texture effects, fur (blur 12, length 88, density 11, transparency 44), ok
3 c. Open hidden tree layer, using magic wand, click on inside of frame, click delete.  You now just have the tree on top and outside of the frame.  Use eraser tool to erase over wording.
4. Select bottom layer, layer, new raster layer, ok, bring to bottom.
4 a. Copy paper 9, use magic wand select NEW bottom layer (we want this extra blank layer for the end), paste into layer.
4 b. Use magic wand to select inside frame layer, select, modify, expand 13, invert, select paper 9, click delete on keyboard.
5. Copy tube of choice, place near bottom of frame (leaving plenty of room near the top), duplicate, hide duplicate for now.
5 a.  Copy/paste image below tube making sure you align the image to match the tube. 
5 b. Click on visible tube, change blend mode to Dodge.- hide layer for now.
5 c. Select frame layer, modify, expand, select, invert, click image, delete, select none, ok
5 d.  Open hidden tube layer, (one w/o blend mode), effects, EyeCandy 4000, Shadowlab (Center offset direction 0, Center offset distance 0,  Overall blur 100, perspective shadow 11.91,  perspective blur 24.41, color black, check draw on outside selection, ) ok
5 e. Select frame layer, select all, select float, click on shadowed tube layer, click delete.  (This will remove the excess on the outside of the frame)
5 f. Click on image layer, using eraser tool, erase top portion of image from the left only.
6. Copy/paste barn, resize 65%, bring to bottom and place behind trees, add drop shadow of choice.
7. Click frame layer, use Shadow lab as directed in step #14
8. Copy/paste chain, resize 65%, move below frame, duplicate.  Move duplicate to top, hide.
8 a. Original chain, effects, fine leather (color #dcdcdc, angle 30, blur 40, transparency 250, # of furrows 40, length of furrows 4) ok.
8 b. Open hidden chain, erase portions that cover frame.
9. Copy/paste corn stalk #2, resize 65%, add drop shadow of choice, place below tube, duplicate.
9 a. Move duplicate to top of tube and erase around tube to give the impression that they are intertwined.
10. Copy/paste spiderweb, bring to top left of frame, erase portions that hang over top edge, leave portion hanging on bottom edge.
11. Copy/paste bird #2, resize 40%, place on tube so the bird is glancing at the tube. No drop shadow is needed.
12. Select bottom layer,should be empty, (if not simply add a blank raster layer), image, canvas size, 650 x 650 ok, flood fill any ugly contrasting color, this will show any errors with erasing, etc
13. Once you are okay with tag, delete bottom layer, merge visible, crop and resize.  It is very important for you to resize before you add copyright and licence information.
14. Add copyright and licence information and save tag.
If you made it all the way through, I commend you.  Thank you for taking the time to at least read this and look at my tag.


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